Sunday, January 10, 2010

So, as many of you know, Jordan has joined the Army and leaves soon for Basic Combat Training. He will then be going onto Officer Candidate School where he will train to become an officer. These two phases of training will account for the next 5 1/2 months or so of his life. Communication is somewhat of a challenge. We wanted to create a blog so that we could keep anyone who was interested updated on our lives and his progress. We have no idea where we will be going after he graduates, but we are excited to find out! Through all of this, we know that challenges will come. We know that God is in control and we look forward to the things in store for us. If you had asked me 6 months ago where we would be headed, I guarantee I would not have said army life! This is a new and exciting phase for us. We will miss being close to family and friends. We hope that, through this blog, we can keep in contact and help make the distance seem less far!

So here it goes!!


  1. I am ready to go and sick of waiting. The only thing that I hate about this is leaving Danielle and Lorelei for such a long time. I am anticipating that missing them will be the hardest part of it all.

    I look forward to serving and protecting our country from foreign and domestic enemies.

  2. Yay!! We are "bloggers" now!!! :) can't wait to follow along with you guys on your journey!! And get ready..ill probably be visiting a lot!! Im a little confused with Jordans comment above though...I think he forgot me. The hardest part should ne issing Danielle, Lorelei and Erica haha. I love you all though!! Miss you!!

  3. We're so proud of you Jordan! Enjoy the journey...

  4. To Dani< Jordan, and Lorelei,

    We're praying for this to be a good adventure for all of you. The first months will be hard, but after that, things should be good. We love you.

  5. We am sure you are glad the waiting is over for now. We will look forward to Dani keeping us informed as to what is happening. We will keep you in our prayers daily. May God bless you richly. We love you.

  6. Thanks everyone! We really appreciate the prayers and support!


if only....

Coleden found this bottle of Aleve (package says extra strength lasts up to 12 hours) and asked me what it was. I told him it was medicine. ...

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