Friday, June 11, 2010

It's been awhile...

Ok so I really lost track of updating this. Lots has happened and I want to fill in all the details. But for right now I am just writing about what is going to happen today. Jordan is now at OCS. He is half way through (week 6) so this is branching day. Basically he will find out what his job will be for the next few years of his life. He isn;t really sure what he wants but he is hoping for Signal, MI (both very hard to get) or Quartermaster. I guess the way it works is everyone lines up and goes into an auditorium. From there each candidate will walk to the front in order of class rank and they will get to choose a branch from the available list. 

As things get chosen, the list gets shorter and the option are fewer. Jordan is in about the middle of his class so he has a decent shot at things but probably not his top picks. Lorelei and I get to go watch so we are pretty excited. After they choose their branch there is another ceremony where they get their white ascots. Since not too many families are here, I guess there are only about 5 families coming out of 145 guys or so. I am really glad to be here!
Well we are just getting ready to go. Thought I would make a quick update. After today we will know Jordan's branch and where we will be heading next for BOLCB. I can't wait to finally know the next step!

1 comment:

  1. Awww!! You should post a video of her saying good night to her hungry hungry hippos. It would be good blackmail when she is a teenager. :-)


if only....

Coleden found this bottle of Aleve (package says extra strength lasts up to 12 hours) and asked me what it was. I told him it was medicine. ...

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