Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Moving day!!

So we survived our very first army move. We have always done dity moves before. I'm pretty much a control freak so I liked it better that way. But four kids and a lot of clutter later....the movers were pretty nice to have. 

Few tips I learned for next time: 

1. Ziplock EVERYTHING!! People suggested this but I didn't realize they really meant ererything! Every draw, cupboard, bin, basket, box, etc! The rooms I had done were packed and loaded so much faster. 

2. They won't pack lotions, liquids or candles to name a few. And I learned I had a lot of all of those! Wish I had started using stuff up sooner sowe weren't left with so many things they wouldn't take. 

3. Get a hotel for the nights you are moving. I think tle will cover this but either way, worth having a place to go back to. 

4. Label all the rooms so they label the boxes the way you want them

5. Use trash bags to keep clothes clean and organized. 

6. Relax and be prepared to be bored...haha! 

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if only....

Coleden found this bottle of Aleve (package says extra strength lasts up to 12 hours) and asked me what it was. I told him it was medicine. ...

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