Monday, April 7, 2014

Turkey hunting

Lorelei went out on her first turkey hunting trip with Jordan. She was soooo excited. She has been asking for awhile now if she could go hunting. Fort Sill had a special weekend just for youth ages 18 and under so we thought this would be a perfect time to try it out. 

They went to an informational meeting and dinner on Friday night. Kids all got nice little goodie bags with a DVD and turkey call. It was a nice way to get the kids excited. 

Even though they didn't get anything, Lorelei said she was just was happy to spend time with her dad. It was nice for them to get some special time. They got to see several tracks and hear a lot of animals. They got to spend time in God's creation making some fun memories. I couldn't believe how long she lasted. They went out three times over the weekend (Saturday afternoon, Sunday before church and Sunday after church). Quite a trooper...she couldn't wait to get back out. 

Madelyn wanted to go too...

Maybe next time...

They snuck out while Berlynn and Coleden were napping otherwise there would have been very disappointed kids! Looking forward to moving up to fort riley and hopefully they have programs like this for the kids as well. If Coleden like hunting as much as he likes fishing, Jordan will have plenty of hunting buddies.

 Berlynn on the other hand isn't very interested....she would rather go to target and get a Starbucks! My kind of girl...

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if only....

Coleden found this bottle of Aleve (package says extra strength lasts up to 12 hours) and asked me what it was. I told him it was medicine. ...

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