Sunday, April 25, 2010

I guess it has been awhile!

Things have been so busy so I haven't really updated in awhile! I got to talk to Jordan again today. He just wrapped up Victory Forge. They did a 10 mile march, some smaller marches, combatives training, and more. He enjoyed it. Now they start out processing. Hopefully he gets his orders soon so we can get housing. As of right now, we are going to try to get housing next week monday! Then I can be down there when he has free time. He is so excited to get off post and see the "world" again. He hasn't had much in the line of current events so it might be a culture shock! It has been almost 10 weeks! I can't believe it! It actually went a lot faster than I thought it would. It helps that things were always busy!
So onto Officer school! He will have to push himself even more. Hopefully he can do well enough to get the job he wants. Now he is talking about Airborne school as well. He thinks it would be good especially since he is an officer. It is highly encouraged. We'll see!! As long as he can stay in one piece, I am happy! Since he has to be so active, he said he thinks his muscles have toned a lot more and he feels like he is over all stronger. His bad joints seem to have improved significantly!
Well Lorelei can't wait to see her daddy. Last night she found a play kitchen in a magazine she wanted. She was SOOOO excited so I told her to ask her daddy! Well she remembered....this morning when he called she said "hi daddy...I want my kitchen" He was a little confused but she certainly knew what she was asking about! She has grown up so much. She talks constantly and comes up with the cutest things. She randomly said "mommy I love daddy" in the car today. I think she will be happy to see him. I wonder how long it feels for her? Does time makes sense at her age?? Well he is certainly excited to see her! A few minutes on the phone doesn't work too well for a two year old!
We leave for SC Wednesday morning!! Just a few days left til we can see him again!!

Well the graduation weekend was awesome!! I mean we were super excited to see jordan but it was also a really fun weekend!!

Cool army demonstration! Here they come! 

Together at last!!

Not sure about this guy in uniform! 

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if only....

Coleden found this bottle of Aleve (package says extra strength lasts up to 12 hours) and asked me what it was. I told him it was medicine. ...

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