Saturday, November 2, 2013

Two words I fear....POTTY TRAINING

Yes we are at it again. I think we have started this process a dozen times (ok probably not really but sure does feel like it) 

So this post is not for the moms of kids who seem to just "get it" at a young age. I don't know how you moms do it because this is my second time around (but three kids) and I can't seem to get anything accomplished before 3 1/2.

First time around with Lorelei I tried several times from about 2 years old on. It never really stuck though. Then finally at just a little over 3 we were settled into El Paso and she seemed ready. But with her it was easy. One day of me sending her to the potty every few minutes and that way pretty much it. So i thought, "ok maybe we did this late, but man was that easy"! Not even many accidents (day or night) and she wore pull-ups for about a week at night "just in case" and really that was it. 

Now the next time.....whole different story! There are several things making this tricky though. First off both Berlynn and Coleden have had speech delay and other language barrier issues. So communication has really just kind of blossomed in the past few months. If you can't communicate well, you really can't potty train. 

Another issue (without getting into graphic and smelly but Coleden has struggled with gastro intestinal issues. We have tried dozens of things, eliminated almost everything from his diet, run numerous tests, even a colonoscopy and still no "diagnosis". But that "issue" has made it near impossible to potty train. He has zero bladder control. Well

 I would "try" here and there but it wasn't clicking. 

So I waited....and waited...and waited....

But there is soooooooo much pressure to potty train if you want your kid to be able to do anything. We couldn't do gymnastics, preschool, classes or move up to the "big kid" class at church. I totally get it...don't get me wrong! It isn't the job of those workers to change diapers. But as a mom you feel so bad and helpless. 

So that brings us to one of operation potty training (try well...a lot!) 

Keeping it simple. Pull-ups and white tees. I know there is debate over the use of pull ups but we are at my parents and I don't need them having accidents all over their carpet and furniture...haha. So we are trying this way.

Off to a rough start. Coleden screamed when I put him on the potty. He is terrified of it!! But he was thrilled to get a candy reward. He then had two major blow outs so I gave up on him for now. Got to solve his poop issues first before we tackle potty training fully. So for now, as long as he tells me he has to go or has gone, he gets a treat. This seems to be working really well. He has told me each time he goes and seems proud that he is able to have some "control" over that. 

In my book success for now. Baby steps.

Berlynn is doing really well. She just needs to be reminded....ALL THE TIME! She is so busy she doesn't ever think to go! So everything 15 or 20 min I send her in. She has it down. She can do it all herself! She doesn't go each time, but that's not really the point. Point is she is trying and that she is getting into the habit. 

This is also extra motivation!! 


Putting our Halloween candy to good use!!

Well that's all I have for now! I really want them to be able to go to preschool so I'm working as hard as I can. But I really really really hate potty training!! 

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if only....

Coleden found this bottle of Aleve (package says extra strength lasts up to 12 hours) and asked me what it was. I told him it was medicine. ...

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